Early Childhood Education With Luchie

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Saturday, July 22, 2006

Teacher Bloggers

There was an article I read before which presented teachers as bloggers. The article to my understanding depicted that it was not proper for a teacher to blog as some students/children would read their entries and would view informations/entries in negative ways. I beg to disagree with the writer of the article. I believe in the positivity of blogs/technology and how it would help the particular teacher in his personal and professional growth and mostly in dealing with parents and students/children alike, and of course in information dessimination.

I am proud that I am a member of the Pinoy Teachers Network which I called PTN for short. It is an organization of Filipino teachers all over the world who are all bloggers. Please visit our site here.

The PTN is founded by Teacher Sol, a special education teacher based in Washington DC USA. Through her entries, I am sure you'll all be convinced of the positiveness of being a teacher and a blogger at the same time.

And to all PTN members Belated 2nd Anniversary!!!

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