Early Childhood Education With Luchie

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Thursday, November 03, 2005

D. What Children Got From The Process

What Children Got from the Process

From all the stimulating activities my children actively participated in, I can say that they learnt a lot not only in acquiring language skills but also social and emotional skills which can be their tools in facing the future ahead of them. I can declare that their learning have been a meaningful and effective one as they were actively involved in the learning process. Much more, their interest in the subject matter motivated them to talk and ask more and more.

Though learning is a process, and each child learn on his own pace, each child were able to share ideas and discussed it on his own way. Provided with teachable-moment technique during discussion, the children learned to be aware of their competency in language that enable them to share ideas, think and discriminate. As each one of them readily talked about their own closet and clothing and things in it, they learnt new vocabulary and improved their pronunciation too.

The children’s thinking ability was nurtured and cultivated too. They were able to discriminate things and clothing of boys from girls. They were able to reason out why such clothing is worn on such purpose and occasion.

The children also realized their own identity. They became more aware of themselves as either male or female. I can say that they are continuously learning how to fit in their roles. The fact that they were able to differentiate boys and girls belongings, made them aware how boys and girls differ and they will continue to be in the coming days.

Creativity was also nurtured in them. They were motivated to think creatively. As the opportunity to have their ideas expressed in written and artistic forms were provided coupled with their creativity being developed, I am sure it will grow and increase in them.

The children also learnt what teamwork is all about. They learnt to share crayons and pencils. They engaged in a fruitful and meaningful activity with a purpose- producing a product which is the books they are so proud about.

The children felt good about themselves. As they were able to make a book, though with guidance, this helps them build their self-esteem and self-confidence.

Because they are proud of their work, their desire in them to learn more and read more and more will stay in them for a very long time.


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